Joel Matthews?
Yes, I'm Joel.
Hi Joel. I'm Dr. Oliver.
How can I help you today?
Well, I've been feeling very sick.
What are your symptoms?
I have a sore throat and a stomachache,
and I woke up with a high temperature this morning.
Oh, I also vomited all night.
Let's take your temperature.
Hmm..yes, you do have a very high fever.
How long have you had these symptoms?
It started about three days ago.
Three days ago? Why didn't you come sooner?
I thought if I stayed at home, I'd get better.
Oh, one more thing: I have a rash on my back.
Hmm. Let's have a look.
Could you lift your shirt up, please?
The rash is quite serious. When did it start?
I just noticed it on my way here.
Did you drive?
No, I walked here.
Does it hurt?
No. It just feels hot.
Actually, my whole body feels really hot.
Do you have any allergies?
No, I don't.
And, are you on any medication?
No. I just take my daily vitamins.
I see.
Well, Joel. I think you have the flu.
The flu?
Yes, it's flu season.
I guess you didn't get your flu shot, right?
No, I didn't.
I'll prescribe you some flu medication.
If your symptoms don't go away in a couple of days,
I want you to come back for another visit.
Okay. Thanks, doctor.
You should rest and drink lots of water.
I advise you to get the flu shot every year.
Actually, I don't like getting shots.
They're so painful.
I understand.
But if you get the flu shot, you won't suffer as much.
That's true. I'll get it next time. Thanks.
Here's your prescription. I hope you feel better soon.
Thank you, Dr. Oliver.
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